Our mission: facilitate positive social, economic and environmental outcomes for the residents of Scotts Head village and surrounds

SHGC Committee
The Scotts Head Community Group (SHCG) meets monthly, between February and November every year and meetings are open to all to attend.
They are held at 6pm on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at the Reserve Hall (Recreation Hut) in Scotts Head.
Read the minutes from the last meeting .

Other Meetings
Members of the SHCG also regularly meet with key stakeholders to advocate on behalf of the Scotts Head community on a wide range of matters:
- Nambucca Shire Council
- Reflections Holidays
- Local MPs
- NSW Government agencies
- Community groups and organisations

Who is the committee?
The SHCG Executive Committee includes a Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer and Public Officer as per the SHCG Constitution
Currently, the SHCG has three active sub-committees:
- Scotts Head Gardeners: responsible for the community garden at Buz Brazel Oval
- Strategy: responsible for developing the 2024-2029 master plan.
- Open Space and Access: working to improve our beach and open spaces

Feeling inspired?
Explore what we’re working on, our wins and our vision for the future.
Get involved, have your say and support our thriving community.
What community members think
“I joined the committee to be involved in creating a strategic plan for Scotts Head. I wanted to help our village articulate that which unites us, rather than focus on the things we fear are changing. I wanted our village to think positively about the future, and take action to realise these dreams.”

Janet Granek
Scotts Head
Learn more about some of our campaigns
Save Scotts Head Campaign
DA for a major over-55s housing development withdrawn in 2022 after extensive campaigning by the local community
Learn More
Scotts Head Master Plan
Master Plan process for Scotts Head core visitor precinct supported by Nambucca Valley Council
Learn More
Bikeway/Walking Path
Petition presented to Council in 2024 to examine the feasibility of a safe bike and walking path between Scotts Head and Macksville
Learn More